
The world is changing rapidly, and our approaches have to keep pace. We thrive on new and sometimes complex challenges. To get an idea of some real project approaches, check out our case studies.

Here are some of the ways we help our clients:


  • Workshops to define needs
  • Strategic recommendations
  • Help you integrate findings

Innovation and Ideation

  • Innovation workshops
  • Ideation sessions
  • Co-creation with customers
  • Facilitation services
  • Creative problem solving


  • Focus groups
  • Minigroups
  • In-depth-interviews
  • Ethnography

World Café

  • Large group moderation


  • Focus groups – real time
  • Bulletin boards – extended
  • Communities
  • Diaries and videos

Mobile Qualitative

  • Homework to verify use
  • Diaries for context
  • Test purchases
  • Hybrid methods


  • Webcam interviews
  • Webcam groups
  • Webcam integrated online research

Ethnographic Interviews

  • Rich context and meaning

Hybrid Approaches

  • Combine for 360°

Usability Tests

Employee Research

  • Appreciative Inquiry

Concept Testing

  • Development support

Quantitative Oversight

  • Source CATI partners
  • Manage multinational projects
  • Integrate overall findings
  • We can cover quantitative researchin the USA – contact Rob Volpe, in Europe and Eastern Europe – contact Hana Klouckova and Latin America – contact Astrid Velasquez