8 Key Takeaways from the 2017 Women’s March

Posted On: 02/9/17

The Women’s March of Jan. 21, 2017 was among the largest demonstrations of peaceful protest that has ever occurred, with as many as 5 million participants.

The march captured the imaginations of people in 80 countries.

Images of the march dominated the news cycle and social media.

The Women’s March Conversation: A Global Flash Study

Relaxing on a few days’ vacation after a conference, a few of us were talking about the women’s march.

We wanted to know what impact the march had on the individuals who participated, or were simply interested observers.

Why not launch a flash study to learn more? So we did.

Using a simple, powerful online qualitative platform, and the power of social media, we invited people (men and women) to share their thoughts and feelings about the women’s march.

Participants from 11 countries helped us complete the study within days.

Download the PDF, The Women’s March Conversation Report, to read how we did the study, and our more detailed findings.

Study authors: Susan Abbott, Rebecca Bryant, Ilka Kuhagen, Janina Weigl, with input from ThinkGlobalQualitative associates worldwide.

8 Key Takeaways

Takeaway #1: The march inspired pride, for marchers, and non-marching supporters

Takeaway #2: The message of the march is loosely defined, but centres on human rights

Takeaway #3: People are skeptical about the direct impact of the march on political leaders

Takeaway #4: The march helped those who felt isolated in their views, and provided a source of optimism about the future

Takeaway #5: Some feel the march was a misplaced effort, launched by women who should be happy with their situation

Takeaway #6: For some, the march already has acted as a catalyst for further action

Takeaway #7: The march highlighted the many divisions that exist, among women, and among progressives

Takeaway #8: The march showed what is possible, and may be a foundation for further action